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October 1914 Niels Bohr (on leave of absence from U. of Copenhagen) returns to Manchester. Bohr comes home to Copenhagen in July 1916.

Physical Laboratory, Manchester

85 years ago: Quantum Theory in 1929
Recollections from the first Copenhagen conference
by L. Rosenfeld

Person(s): (first row) Bohr, N.; Cramèr; Klein, Oskar Benjamin;
Rosseland, Svein; Kramers, Hendrik Anton; Darwin, Charles Galton;
Kronig, Ralph de Laer; Ehrenfest, Paul; Gamow, George;
(second row) Nordheim, Lothar Wolfgang; Heitler, Walter;
Waller, Ivar; Hückel, Eric; Rosenfeld, Léon; Møller, Christian;
Casimir, Hendrik Brugt Gerhard; Goudsmit, Samuel Abraham;
(third row) Pauli, Wolfgang; Fues, Erwin; Hojendahl, K.; Chou;
Trumpy, Bjørn; Pihl, Mogens;
(fourth row) Werner, Sven; Rasmussen, Ebbe Kjeld;
Jacobsen, Jacob Christian Georg; Lund, Gelius; Hansen, A.J.;
Hansen, William;
(fifth row) Wintner, Aurel; Sejersen, W.
Date: 1929
Place: Aud. A, UITF, Copenhagen
Occasion/Description: Copenhagen Conference

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Last updated: 2014